Sunday, May 6, 2012

G.I. Joe: Hearts & Minds by Max Brooks

As a child, I loved G.I. Joe. I had the toys; I watched the cartoon show. The movie wasn't up to par, but I didn't hate it. It's goofy. It's fun. It's not to be taken seriously. Not even by a G.I. Joe fan - okay, maybe if that fan is under ten. Sad to say, I grew up.

It's nice to see that the team grew up with me. Especially with writer, Max Brooks taking the experience to another level with his graphic novel, Hearts & Minds. I can't give a summary of the book because there is no plot. The stories found within the covers aren't intertwining - not by much, anyway - but a collection of stand-alones that create an origin tale for G.I. Joe and Cobra characters. 

My favorites include "Tripwire," "Dr. Mindbender," and "Recruits." However, the entire books is worth the read. Max Brooks has a way with words as his father has a way with comedy. And the illustrations by Howard Chaykin and Antonio Fuso breath to life the monsters and heroes of our childhood. 

Yes, Hearts & Minds is a must read for any and all G.I. Joe fans - mostly like those above the age of ten.

You can pick up Hearts & Minds at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It is also available for Nook.

Until next time, keep on huntin'.

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